Mesa College has been experiencing a few incidents on campus. Recently a man allegedly exposed himself in the LRC, and someone allegedly sexually assaulted a female as she was walking to her car. Surely there are more incidents that occur and do not get reported for whatever reason. The fact that this keeps happening on school grounds should be a reason to have cameras, or is it? The thing is, where does “Big Brother” stop. Mesa College should not have cameras because it’s an invasion of privacy. The students would be watched 24/7 and there would be no room to breathe and not feel like they are being watched at all times.
It is understandable the need for surveillance due to the recent crime rate on campus rising. It would be OK to have cameras on certain places like the Student Services Building, the LRC, etc. Those places sound very reasonable. Another place that would need cameras would be on campus parking lots. They are very dangerous during the nighttime for both men and women, but especially for females who can be biologically less strong than most males. Unfortunately it seems females are victimized more so than males.
The problem is that when these incidents occur, there is no evidence or video footage to help the situation at all. Such as the alleged parking lot assault, the guy whom allegedly assaulted the young lady as she walked to her car and still hasn’t been caught yet. Therefore he is still out there, hopefully not doing it anymore of course; but students don’t feel safe. At least not anymore, not that some ever felt safe.
There is already the fact that Mesa College is located in not the safest of neighborhoods. Students want to feel safe while they are continuing their education but that does not mean there should be cameras everywhere. All of a sudden there is no more privacy, which everyone is entitled to have as human beings with lives, which are private. There is a fine line between safety and probing. And if cameras should be placed, it really should be on designated places only and not everywhere because it would not be fair.
Therefore, if Mesa College decides to help out with cameras, hopefully they keep this in mind. It’d be very helpful and safer for everyone but it is not “Big Brother” either. It shouldn’t be.